Thursday, 8 September 2011


It has been a while, i know, i know! why has it been a while? that, I dont know! but i am back and that's the main thing right? 

Here I have for you a.lot.of.little.random.things&thoughts that have been with me these past few weeks..

Lets start with something that came to me about 2 weeks ago when i was filling my little car up with petrol.. There I was standing there in the cold, hating every single second of the petrol slowly pumping into my car (I might add that I have no patience whatsoever for this boring, time wasting task) and thinking to myself, like I always do when I'm partaking in this exercise, "Make sure you're conscious of when you're near the end Justine, you don't want it to overflow" & suddenly i thought, hang on, how on earth does the inside of my petrol tank or this pump in my hand know when this bad boy tank of mine is full?? How does it know when to make that GLORIOUS "click, i'm finished!" sound? How? And I tell ya it's been on my mind ever since! I'm sure if I googled it, or even went to the good old "Dad Google" I'd find my answer.. But the answer has to be technical right? And if its technical then what's the point cause there aint no way I'd understand some technical petrol pump answer!

And while we're on the topic of not understanding things, I guess a comment a senior partner at work said to me last night kind of ties in.. Kinda.  As she was dictating over my shoulder into a 125 page awful document which was full of yucky footnotes and yucky formatting (but an immaculate table of contents that was another secretary's baby), she asked me to insert a quote and when I said "In talking marks?" she giggled and said "Talking marks? I have never in my life heard inverted commers being referred to as 'talking marks' and I had no idea what you were talking about when you first said it!".. She wasn't being condesending, not one little bit.. But it really made me scrunch my face up a little and think, huh, she has never heard of talking marks before? Where do I come from? Where does she come from? And who comes from the better place? Hmm...

Last week I baked an amazing (amaHzing even) cake for my gf at work's 30th birthday.. It was quite fabulous.. I decorated it with a mask to keep in theme with the masquerade party she had the weekend before but aside from the fact that it looked quite special, the taste was just to die for! Everyone kept telling me all day how delicious it was & my reply was always "I know, it's great isn't it?".  This made my gf giggle for some reason.. I'm still not quite sure why.. It was a yummy cake, I knew it, so I agreed! No credit to me - I just baked the thing! Credit to the creator of the recipe! Anyway, that's not my point... Getting the cake into work was a bit of an experience! There I was frosting my cake quite late the night before when I suddenly realised that I had no cake container.. How was I going to get this masterpiece into work tomorrow? It was too late to go to Kmart and buy one (well I guess it wasn't, but it was late, I was tired and my pyjamas were so cozy!) and there was no way I'd get up early enough in the morning to go to Kmart and buy one, so I had one solution.. Carry it on my lap the whole way there & just hope to god I:  A) dont drop it B) it doesn't rain C) no feral on the train coughs on it and D) every tom, dick & harry doesn't stare at it! So, as predicted, I didnt get up early enough in the morning to go to Kmart to get a cake container & I set off on my journey to work.  All was fine.. My masterpiece made it to work in one piece and, as mentioned above, was a hit (even though my gf predicted I'd bake one, so surprise factor gone) but the one thing that concerned me that morning, with that whole experience was something I did on the way to work whilst holding the little hit.. I couldnt actually believe it when I did it & I'm sure the people around me couldn't either, but at one point, as I was getting ready to get off the train & steadying myself & the cake in a standing position I .. I ... I accidentally (or is the word subconsiously?) spoke to my cake! I did. I really did.  I can't remember what I said but I know I must have said something along the lines of "dont move, come on, we're almost there" & as soon as the words left my mouth, I was mortified. WHO TALKS TO A CAKE, THAT'S NOT EVEN IN A CAKE CONTAINER, ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT??! Who??? Mortifying.  

While we're on the subject of trains do you know what I hate? Well I have been catching the train to and from the city for about 7 and a half years now and after 7 and a half years I have become quite picky on where I sit, I can't help it.. I even go as far as referring to certain seats as "my seats".. So one of my major hates on public transport is when some joe blow, non-regular-train-comuter, hops on the train infront of me, chooses a seat at random, totally not phased by where they sit and sit in MY SEAT!! How dare they and why do they think it's ok? They're not even appreciative of the amazing seat they have picked.. They don't even make use of the prime lean-on-window position they've got themselves or make use of the i-can-put-my-legs-out-in-this-seat seat! I just can't stand it. It's really funny on trains these days though.. When I first started catching trains EVERYONE read, it was the done thing and at least every second person had their head down in a good novel.  In fact it was on the train where I developed my love for reading (Oh, Bronze Horseman there was no turning back after you).  Anyway, these days the main done thing on the train is either stalking or playing games.  By stalking I of course mean Facebook & by playing games it's either on iPhones, iPads or laptops.  Today I saw a chubby man playing some game on his iPad that required him to shake it prefusely every 5 minutes or so and I tell ya it wasnt a pretty sight in his skin tight tee with wobbly belly and man boobs jangling about everywhere! But watching people stalk is the funniest (by watching people stalk am I too a stalker?).. The first click of the comments on someone's status, to them then clicking on one of the comment poster's profiles, to them then checking that person's info to see if they're in a relationship & then when seeing that they are clicking on it to check out if their partner is hot or not oh it's all just so obvious! And you can tell some people are ashamed of the Facebook stalking they're doing because they hold their phone on a certain angle to avoid people seeing their screen and have such an ashamed look on their face.. It's like everyone knows that by going on Facebook for phone in downtime is somehow sad.. That it somehow shows you have nothing better to do...

I downed some Twisties the other day at work.. I was having such a busy day at work and there was an afternoon tea going on around me which I had organised but couldn't be apart of because I was too busy running around trying to meet impossible deadlines (which I made by the way) that by the time I finally stopped & afternoon tea was over I ordered the bowl of twisties to be delivered to me (thanks, Bree, you couldnt just do it quietly either could ya?) & I packed myself full with as many delicious, cheesy twisties as I could get in my mouth until I felt all better about my bad day. It wasn't until I was sitting in the waiting room of the dentist a few hours later that I thought to myself, hmm twisties before the dentist.. Prob not such a great idea! The dentist was a gentlement (or he just knows who pays him) and of course didnt say anything, but I know he saw them, the orange gunk stuck in the backs of my teeth & I'm glad he let it go.. If he had have made some funny remark about orange stuff stuck in my teeth, I know I would have gone into my standard lets-justify-why-i-ate-junk-today spiel and embarrassed myself even more so I'm glad he didn't and let the memory of the amazing twistie intake stay sacred in my mind ;)


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